Uses of Package

Packages that use org.jgrapht
The front-end API's interfaces and classes, including Graph.
Algorithms provided with JGraphT.
Clique related algorithms.
Graph clustering algorithms.
Graph coloring algorithms.
Algorithms dealing with various connectivity aspects of a graph.
Algorithms related to graph cycles.
Algorithms for computing decompositions.
Algorithms for computing maximum density subgraphs.
Graph Drawing.
Flow related algorithms.
Algorithms for minimum cost flow
Algorithms for Independent Set in a graph.
Algorithm related interfaces.
Algorithms for (sub)graph isomorphism.
Algorithms for computing lowest common ancestors in graphs.
Algorithms for link prediction
Algorithms for the computation of matchings.
Package for Kolmogorov's Blossom V algorithm
Algorithm for computing partitions.
Algorithms for testing planarity of the graphs
Vertex and/or edge scoring algorithms.
Shortest-path related algorithms.
Algorithms for computing graph similarity metrics.
Spanning tree and spanner algorithms.
Graph tours related algorithms.
Package for graph transformers
Utilities used by JGraphT algorithms.
Vertex cover algorithms.
Extensions and integration means to other products.
Generators for graphs of various topologies.
Network generator components
Implementations of various graphs.
Various builder for graphs.
Implementations of various concurrent graph structures.
Implementations of specifics for various graph types.
Importers/Exporters for various graph formats.
CSV importers/exporters
DIMACS Challenges importers/exporters
DOT importers/exporters
Graph Exchange XML Format (GEXF) importers/exporters.
GML importers/exporters
Graph6, sparse6 and digraph6 importers/exporters
GraphML importers/exporters
Json importers/exporters
Lemon input/output.
Matrix input/output
TSPLIB95 importers/exporters
Specialized graph implementations using the FastUtil library
Specialized graph implementations using sparse matrix representations.
Immutable graphs stored using Sux4J's quasi-succinct data structures.
Graph traversal means.
Adapters for graphs stored using WebGraph's compressed and succinct formats.