Module org.jgrapht.core
Package org.jgrapht.generate
package org.jgrapht.generate
Generators for graphs of various topologies.
ClassDescriptionBarabási-Albert growth and preferential attachment forest generator.Barabási-Albert growth and preferential attachment graph generator.Generator which produces the complement graph of a given input graph.Generates a complete bipartite graph of any size.Generates a complete graph of any size.A generator for directed scale-free graphs.EmptyGraphGenerator<V,
E> Generates an empty graph of any size.Generator for Generalized Petersen Graphs The Generalized Petersen graphs $GP(n,k)$ are a family of cubic graphs formed by connecting the vertices of a regular polygon (cycle graph $C_n$) to the corresponding vertices of a star polygon ${n,k}$.Create a random bipartite graph based on the $G(n, M)$ Erdős–Rényi model.Create a random graph based on the $G(n, M)$ Erdős–Rényi model.Create a random bipartite graph based on the $G(n, p)$ Erdős–Rényi model.Create a random graph based on the $G(n, p)$ Erdős–Rényi model.GraphGenerator<V,E, T> An interface for generating new graph structures.GridGraphGenerator<V,E> Generates a bidirectional grid graph of any size.Generates a hyper cube graph of any size.Kleinberg's small-world graph generator.LinearGraphGenerator<V,E> Generates a linear graph of any size.The linearized chord diagram graph model generator.NamedGraphGenerator<V,E> Collection of commonly used named graphsCreate a random $l$-planted partition graph.PruferTreeGenerator<V,E> Generates a random tree using Prüfer sequences.Generate a random $d$-regular undirected graph with $n$ vertices.RingGraphGenerator<V,E> Generates a ring graph of any size.Generates directed or undirected scale-free network of any size.A simple weighted bipartite graph matrix generator.A simple weighted graph matrix generator.StarGraphGenerator<V,E> Generates a star graph of any size.Raised when the generator fails, too many times in a row, to grow a graph.Watts-Strogatz small-world graph generator.WheelGraphGenerator<V,E> Generates a wheel graph of any size.WINDMILL and DUTCHWINDMILL Modes for the Constructor