Module org.jgrapht.core
Package org.jgrapht.alg.matching
package org.jgrapht.alg.matching
Algorithms for the computation of matchings.
ClassesClassDescriptionThis implementation of Edmonds' blossom algorithm computes maximum cardinality matchings in undirected graphs.The greedy algorithm for computing a maximum cardinality matching.The greedy algorithm for computing a maximum weight matching in an arbitrary graph.Implementation of the well-known Hopcroft Karp algorithm to compute a matching of maximum cardinality in a bipartite graph.Kuhn-Munkres algorithm (named in honor of Harold Kuhn and James Munkres) solving assignment problem also known as hungarian algorithm (in the honor of hungarian mathematicians Dénes K?nig and Jen? Egerváry).Maximum weight matching in bipartite graphs.A linear time 12-approximation algorithm for finding a maximum weight matching in an arbitrary graph.Edmonds' blossom algorithm for maximum cardinality matching in general undirected graphs.