- Type Parameters:
- the graph vertex typeE
- the graph edge type
- All Implemented Interfaces:
E, V>
The generator is described in the paper: A.-L. Barabási and R. Albert. Emergence of scaling in random networks. Science, 286:509-512, 1999.
The generator starts with a complete graph of $m_0$ nodes and grows the network by adding $n - m_0$ additional nodes. The additional nodes are added one by one and each of them is connected to $m$ previously added nodes, where the probability of connecting to a node is proportional to its degree.
Note that the Barabàsi-Albert model is designed for undirected networks. Nevertheless, this generator also works with directed networks where the probabilities are proportional to the sum of incoming and outgoing degrees. For a more general discussion see the paper: M. E. J. Newman. The Structure and Function of Complex Networks. SIAM Rev., 45(2):167--256, 2003.
For a version that generates trees/forests see BarabasiAlbertForestGenerator
- Author:
- Dimitrios Michail
Constructor Summary
(int m0, int m, int n) ConstructorBarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
(int m0, int m, int n, long seed) ConstructorBarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator
(int m0, int m, int n, Random rng) Constructor -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.jgrapht.generate.GraphGenerator
Constructor Details
public BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator(int m0, int m, int n) Constructor- Parameters:
- number of initial nodesm
- number of edges of each new node added during the network growthn
- final number of nodes- Throws:
- in case of invalid parameters
public BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator(int m0, int m, int n, long seed) Constructor- Parameters:
- number of initial nodesm
- number of edges of each new node added during the network growthn
- final number of nodesseed
- seed for the random number generator- Throws:
- in case of invalid parameters
Constructor- Parameters:
- number of initial nodesm
- number of edges of each new node added during the network growthn
- final number of nodesrng
- the random number generator to use- Throws:
- in case of invalid parameters
Method Details
Generates an instance.- Specified by:
in interfaceGraphGenerator<V,
E, V> - Parameters:
- the target graphresultMap
- not used by this generator, can be null