Module org.jgrapht.core
Package org.jgrapht.util
package org.jgrapht.util
Non-graph-specific data structures, algorithms, and utilities used by JGraphT.
ClassDescriptionHelper for efficiently representing small sets whose elements are known to be unique by construction, implying we don't need to enforce the uniqueness property in the data structure itself.Utility class to simplify handling of arrays.AVLTree<T>Implementation of the AVL tree data structure.Container holding the values stored in the tree.Utility class to create
instances.Utility class to manage creation and shutting down instance of theThreadPoolExecutor
.Container for the elements stored in aDoublyLinkedList
.Generates elements from the input collection in random order.A wrapper around a supplier of an iterable.Math Utilities.TheModifiableInteger
class wraps a value of the primitive typeint
in an object, similarly toInteger
.Utility class to help implement an iterator/enumerator in which the hasNext() method needs to calculate the next elements ahead of time.A functor for the calculation of the next element.Sorts the specified list of integers into ascending order using the Radix Sort method.Exception thrown to indicate that aSupplier
is in an invalid state.Helper class for suppliers.TypeUtil isolates type-unsafety so that code which uses it for legitimate reasons can stay warning-free.An unmodifiable live view of the union of two sets.Helper class for building a one-to-one mapping for a collection of vertices to the integer range [0,n) where n is the number of vertices in the collection.Binary operator for edge weights.Implementation of a weighted, unmodifiable set.