Class SaltonIndexLinkPrediction<V,E>

Type Parameters:
V - the graph vertex type
E - the graph edge type
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SaltonIndexLinkPrediction<V,E> extends Object implements LinkPredictionAlgorithm<V,E>
Predict links using the Salton Index, also called the cosine similarity.

This is a local method which computes sxy=|Γ(u)Γ(v))|k(u)×k(v) where for a node v, Γ(v) denotes the set of neighbors of v and k(v)=|Γ(v)| denotes the degree of v.

See the following two papers:
  • Liben‐Nowell, David, and Jon Kleinberg. "The link‐prediction problem for social networks." Journal of the American society for information science and technology 58.7 (2007): 1019-1031.
  • Zhou, Tao, Linyuan Lü, and Yi-Cheng Zhang. "Predicting missing links via local information." The European Physical Journal B 71.4 (2009): 623-630.
Dimitrios Michail
  • Constructor Details

    • SaltonIndexLinkPrediction

      public SaltonIndexLinkPrediction(Graph<V,E> graph)
      Create a new prediction
      graph - the input graph
  • Method Details

    • predict

      public double predict(V u, V v)
      Description copied from interface: LinkPredictionAlgorithm
      Predict an edge between two vertices. The magnitude and the interpretation of the returned score depend solely on the algorithm.
      Specified by:
      predict in interface LinkPredictionAlgorithm<V,E>
      u - first vertex
      v - second vertex
      a prediction score