- Type Parameters:
- the graph vertex typeE
- the graph edge type
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Find the LCA, defined as "Let $G = (V, E)$ be a DAG, and let $x, y \in V$. Let $G_{x,y}$ be the subgraph of $G$ induced by the set of all common ancestors of $x$ and $y$. Define SLCA (x, y) to be the set of out-degree 0 nodes (leafs) in $G_{x,y}$. The lowest common ancestors of $x$ and $y$ are the elements of SLCA (x, y). " from Michael A. Bender, MartÃn Farach-Colton, Giridhar Pemmasani, Steven Skiena, Pavel Sumazin, Lowest common ancestors in trees and directed acyclic graphs, Journal of Algorithms, Volume 57, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 75-94, ISSN 0196-6774, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jalgor.2005.08.001.
The algorithm:
- Find ancestor sets for nodes $a$ and $b$.
- Find their intersection.
- Extract leaf nodes from the intersection set.
Preprocessing Time complexity: $O(1)$
Preprocessing Space complexity: $O(1)$
Query Time complexity: $O(|V|)$
Query Space complexity: $O(|V|)$
For trees or forests please use either BinaryLiftingLCAFinder
, EulerTourRMQLCAFinder
or TarjanLCAFinder
- Author:
- Leo Crawford, Alexandru Valeanu
Constructor Summary
(Graph<V, E> graph) Create a new instance of the naive LCA finder. -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces.LowestCommonAncestorAlgorithm
getBatchLCA, getBatchLCASet
Constructor Details
Create a new instance of the naive LCA finder.- Parameters:
- the input graph
Method Details
Return the LCA of a and b- Specified by:
in interfaceLowestCommonAncestorAlgorithm<V>
- Parameters:
- the first element to find LCA forb
- the other element to find the LCA for- Returns:
- the LCA of a and b, or null if there is no LCA.
Return the computed set of LCAs of a and b- Specified by:
in interfaceLowestCommonAncestorAlgorithm<V>
- Parameters:
- the first element to find LCA forb
- the other element to find the LCA for- Returns:
- the set LCAs of a and b, or empty set if there is no LCA computed.