Class ChordalGraphMinimalVertexSeparatorFinder<V,E>

Type Parameters:
V - the graph vertex type
E - the graph edge type

public class ChordalGraphMinimalVertexSeparatorFinder<V,E> extends Object
Allows obtaining a mapping of all minimal vertex separators of a graph to their multiplicities

In the context of this implementation following definitions are used:

  • A set of vertices $S$ of a graph $G=(V, E)$ is called a u-v separator, if vertices $u$ and $v$ in the induced graph on vertices $V(G) - S$ are in different connected components.
  • A set $S$ is called a minimal u-v separator if it is a u-v separator and no proper subset of $S$ is a u-v separator.
  • A set $S$ is called a minimal vertex separator if it is minimal u-v separator for some vertices $u$ and $v$ of the graph $G$.
  • A set of vertices $S$ is called a minimal separator if no proper subset of $S$ is a separator of the graph $G$.

Let $\sigma = (v_1, v_2, \dots, v_n)$ be some perfect elimination order (peo) of the graph $G = (V, E)$. The induced graph on vertices $(v_1, v_2, \dots, v_i)$ with respect to peo $\sigma$ is denoted as $G_i$. The predecessors set of vertex $v$ with respect to peo $\sigma$ is denoted as $N(v, \sigma)$. A set $B$ is called a base set with respect to $\sigma$, is there exist some vertex $v$ with $t = \sigma(v)$ such that $N(v, \sigma) = B$ and B is not a maximal clique in $G_{t-1}$. The vertices which satisfy conditions described above are called dependent vertices with respect to $\sigma$. The cardinality of the set of dependent vertices is called a multiplicity of the base set $B$. The multiplicity of a minimal vertex separator indicates the number of different pairs of vertices separated by it.The definitions of a base set and a minimal vertex separator in the context of chordal graphs are equivalent.

For more information on the topic see: Kumar, P. Sreenivasa & Madhavan, C. E. Veni. (1998). Minimal vertex separators of chordal graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 89. 155-168. 10.1016/S0166-218X(98)00123-1.

The running time of the algorithm is $\mathcal{O}(\omega(G)(|V| + |E|))$, where $\omega(G)$ is the size of a maximum clique of the graph $G$.

Timofey Chudakov
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ChordalGraphMinimalVertexSeparatorFinder

      public ChordalGraphMinimalVertexSeparatorFinder(Graph<V,E> graph)
      Creates new ChordalGraphMinimalVertexSeparatorFinder instance. The ChordalityInspector used in this implementation uses the MaximumCardinalityIterator iterator
      graph - the graph minimal separators to search in
  • Method Details

    • getMinimalSeparators

      public Set<Set<V>> getMinimalSeparators()
      Computes a set of all minimal separators of the graph and returns it. Returns null if the graph isn't chordal.
      computed set of all minimal separators, or null if the graph isn't chordal
    • getMinimalSeparatorsWithMultiplicities

      public Map<Set<V>,Integer> getMinimalSeparatorsWithMultiplicities()
      Computes a mapping of all minimal vertex separators of the graph and returns it. Returns null if the graph isn't chordal.
      computed mapping of all minimal separators to their multiplicities, or null if the graph isn't chordal