Interface LowestCommonAncestorAlgorithm<V>

    • Method Detail

      • getLCA

        V getLCA​(V a,
                 V b)
        Return the LCA of a and b
        a - the first element to find LCA for
        b - the other element to find the LCA for
        the LCA of a and b, or null if there is no LCA.
      • getBatchLCA

        default List<V> getBatchLCA​(List<Pair<V,​V>> queries)
        Return a list of LCAs for a batch of queries
        queries - a list of pairs of vertices
        a list L of LCAs where L(i) is the LCA for pair queries(i)
      • getLCASet

        Set<V> getLCASet​(V a,
                         V b)
        Return the computed set of LCAs of a and b
        a - the first element to find LCA for
        b - the other element to find the LCA for
        the set LCAs of a and b, or empty set if there is no LCA computed.
        UnsupportedOperationException - - if the operation is not supported by the implementing class
      • getBatchLCASet

        default List<Set<V>> getBatchLCASet​(List<Pair<V,​V>> queries)
        Return a list of computed sets of LCAs for a batch of queries
        queries - a list of pairs of vertices
        a list L of LCAs where L(i) is the computed set of LCAs for pair queries(i)