Interface GraphImporter<V,E>

Type Parameters:
V - the graph vertex type
E - the graph edge type
All Known Implementing Classes:
CSVImporter, DIMACSImporter, DOTImporter, GmlImporter, Graph6Sparse6Importer, GraphMLImporter, JSONImporter, SimpleGEXFImporter, SimpleGraphMLImporter, TSPLIBImporter

public interface GraphImporter<V,E>
Interface for graph importers
  • Method Details

    • importGraph

      default void importGraph(Graph<V,E> g, InputStream in)
      Import a graph from the given InputStream.

      It is the callers responsibility to ensure the InputStream is closed after this method returned.

      g - the graph
      in - the input stream
      ImportException - in case any error occurs, such as I/O or parse error
    • importGraph

      void importGraph(Graph<V,E> g, Reader in)
      Import a graph using the given Reader.

      It is the callers responsibility to ensure the Reader is closed after this method returned.

      g - the graph
      in - the input reader
      ImportException - in case any error occurs, such as I/O or parse error
    • importGraph

      default void importGraph(Graph<V,E> g, File file)
      Import a graph from the given File.
      g - the graph
      file - the file to read from
      ImportException - in case any error occurs, such as I/O or parse error