Module org.jgrapht.core
Package org.jgrapht.event
package org.jgrapht.event
Event classes and listener interfaces, used to provide a change notification mechanism on graph
modification events.
ClassDescriptionA traversal event with respect to a connected component.A traversal event for a graph edge.An event which indicates that a graph has changed.GraphEdgeChangeEvent<V,
E> An event which indicates that a graph edge has changed, or is about to change.GraphListener<V,E> A listener that is notified when the graph changes.An event which indicates that a graph vertex has changed, or is about to change.TraversalListener<V,E> A listener on graph iterator or on a graph traverser.An empty do-nothing implementation of theTraversalListener
interface used for subclasses.A listener that is notified when the graph's vertex set changes.A traversal event for a graph vertex.