Uses of Package

Packages that use org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces
Clique related algorithms.
Graph clustering algorithms.
Graph coloring algorithms.
Algorithms dealing with various connectivity aspects of a graph.
Algorithms related to graph cycles.
Algorithms for computing decompositions.
Algorithms for computing maximum density subgraphs.
Flow related algorithms.
Algorithms for minimum cost flow
Algorithms for Independent Set in a graph.
Algorithm related interfaces.
Algorithms for computing lowest common ancestors in graphs.
Algorithms for link prediction
Algorithms for the computation of matchings.
Package for Kolmogorov's Blossom V algorithm
Algorithm for computing partitions.
Algorithms for testing planarity of the graphs
Vertex and/or edge scoring algorithms.
Shortest-path related algorithms.
Spanning tree and spanner algorithms.
Graph tours related algorithms.
Vertex cover algorithms.