Class DulmageMendelsohnDecomposition.Decomposition<V,E>

Type Parameters:
V - vertex type
E - edge type
Enclosing class:

public static class DulmageMendelsohnDecomposition.Decomposition<V,E> extends Object
The output of a decomposition operation
  • Method Details

    • getPartition1DominatedSet

      public Set<V> getPartition1DominatedSet()
      Gets the subset dominated by partition1. Where $D$ is the set of vertices in $G$ that are not matched in the maximum matching of $G$, this set contains members of the first partition and vertices from the second partition that neighbour them.
      The vertices in $D \cap V_1$ and their neighbours
    • getPartition2DominatedSet

      public Set<V> getPartition2DominatedSet()
      Gets the subset dominated by partition2. Where $D$ is the set of vertices in $G$ that are not matched in the maximum matching of $G$, this set contains members of the second partition and vertices from the first partition that neighbour them.
      The vertices in $D \cap V_2$ and their neighbours
    • getPerfectMatchedSets

      public List<Set<V>> getPerfectMatchedSets()
      Gets the remaining subset, or subsets in the fine decomposition. This set contains vertices that are matched in the maximum matching of the graph $G$. If the fine decomposition was used, this will be multiple sets, each a strongly-connected-component of the matched subset of $G$.
      List of Sets of vertices in the subsets