All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractBaseGraph<V,E> |
The most general implementation of the Graph interface.
AbstractCapacitatedMinimumSpanningTree<V,E> |
This is an abstract class for capacitated minimum spanning tree algorithms.
AbstractFundamentalCycleBasis<V,E> |
A base implementation for the computation of a fundamental cycle basis of a graph.
AbstractGraph<V,E> |
A skeletal implementation of the Graph interface, to minimize the effort required to
implement graph interfaces.
AbstractGraphBuilder<V,E,G extends Graph<V,E>,B extends AbstractGraphBuilder<V,E,G,B>> |
Base class for builders of Graph
AbstractGraphIterator<V,E> |
An empty implementation of a graph iterator to minimize the effort required to implement graph
AHUForestIsomorphismInspector<V,E> |
This is an implementation of the AHU algorithm for detecting an (unweighted) isomorphism between
two rooted forests.
AhujaOrlinSharmaCapacitatedMinimumSpanningTree<V,E> |
Implementation of an algorithm for the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem using a cyclic
exchange neighborhood, based on Ravindra K.
AhujaOrlinSharmaCyclicExchangeLocalAugmentation<V,E> |
Implementation of an algorithm for the local augmentation problem for the cyclic exchange
neighborhood, i.e.
AHURootedTreeIsomorphismInspector<V,E> |
This is an implementation of the AHU algorithm for detecting an (unweighted) isomorphism between
two rooted trees.
AHUUnrootedTreeIsomorphismInspector<V,E> |
This is an implementation of the AHU algorithm for detecting an (unweighted) isomorphism between
two unrooted trees.
AliasMethodSampler |
The alias method for sampling from a discrete probability distribution.
AllDirectedPaths<V,E> |
A Dijkstra-like algorithm to find all paths between two sets of nodes in a directed graph, with
options to search only simple paths and to limit the path length.
AlphaCentrality<V,E> |
AlphaCentrality implementation.
ALTAdmissibleHeuristic<V,E> |
An admissible heuristic for the A* algorithm using a set of landmarks and the triangle
AlwaysEqualComparator<T> |
A default implementation for a check on equality (that always holds)
ArrayUnenforcedSet<E> |
Helper for efficiently representing small sets whose elements are known to be unique by
construction, implying we don't need to enforce the uniqueness property in the data structure
ArrayUnenforcedSetEdgeSetFactory<V,E> |
An edge set factory which creates ArrayUnenforcedSet of size 1, suitable for small degree
AsGraphUnion<V,E> |
Read-only union of two graphs.
AsSubgraph<V,E> |
A subgraph is a graph that has a subset of vertices and a subset of edges with respect to some
base graph.
AsSynchronizedGraph<V,E> |
Create a synchronized (thread-safe) Graph backed by the specified Graph.
AsSynchronizedGraph.Builder<V,E> |
AStarAdmissibleHeuristic<V> |
Interface for an admissible heuristic used in A* search.
AStarShortestPath<V,E> |
A* shortest path.
AsUndirectedGraph<V,E> |
An undirected view of the backing directed graph specified in the constructor.
AsUnmodifiableGraph<V,E> |
An unmodifiable view of the backing graph specified in the constructor.
AsUnweightedGraph<V,E> |
Provides an unweighted view on a graph.
AsWeightedGraph<V,E> |
Provides a weighted view of a graph.
Attribute |
An attribute
AttributeType |
Denotes the type of an attribute.
AVLTree<T> |
Implementation of the AVL tree data
AVLTree.TreeNode<T> |
Container holding the values stored in the tree.
BarabasiAlbertForestGenerator<V,E> |
Barabási-Albert growth and preferential attachment forest generator.
BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Barabási-Albert growth and preferential attachment graph generator.
BarYehudaEvenTwoApproxVCImpl<V,E> |
Implementation of the 2-opt algorithm for a minimum weighted vertex cover by R.
BaseBidirectionalShortestPathAlgorithm<V,E> |
Base class for the bidirectional shortest path algorithms.
BaseEventDrivenImporter<V,E> |
Base implementation for an importer which uses consumers to notify interested parties.
BaseExporter<V,E> |
Base implementation for an exporter.
BaseGraphAdapter<V,G extends<V>> |
A base abstract implementation for the graph adapter class using Guava's Graph .
BaseIntrusiveEdgesSpecifics<V,E,IE extends org.jgrapht.graph.IntrusiveEdge> |
A base implementation for the intrusive edges specifics.
BaseNetworkAdapter<V,E,N extends<V,E>> |
A base abstract implementation for the graph adapter class using Guava's Network .
BaseValueGraphAdapter<V,W,VG extends<V,W>> |
A base abstract implementation for the graph adapter class using Guava's ValueGraph .
BellmanFordShortestPath<V,E> |
The Bellman-Ford algorithm.
BergeGraphInspector<V,E> |
BetweennessCentrality<V,E> |
Betweenness centrality.
BFSShortestPath<V,E> |
The BFS Shortest Path algorithm.
BhandariKDisjointShortestPaths<V,E> |
An implementation of Bhandari algorithm for finding $K$ edge-disjoint shortest paths.
BiconnectivityInspector<V,E> |
Allows obtaining various connectivity aspects of a graph.
BidirectionalAStarShortestPath<V,E> |
A bidirectional version of A* algorithm.
BidirectionalDijkstraShortestPath<V,E> |
A bidirectional version of Dijkstra's algorithm.
BinaryLiftingLCAFinder<V,E> |
Algorithm for computing lowest common ancestors in rooted trees and forests using the binary
lifting method.
BipartitePartitioning<V,E> |
Algorithm for computing bipartite partitions thus checking whether a graph is bipartite or not.
BlockCutpointGraph<V,E> |
A Block-Cutpoint graph (also known as a block-cut tree).
BlossomVOptions |
BlossomVOptions that define the strategies to use during the algorithm for updating duals and
initializing the matching
BlossomVOptions.DualUpdateStrategy |
Enum for choosing dual updates strategy
BlossomVOptions.InitializationType |
Enum for types of matching initialization
BoruvkaMinimumSpanningTree<V,E> |
Borůvka's algorithm for the computation of a minimum spanning tree.
Box2D |
A 2-dimensional box (rectangle).
Boxes |
A collection of utilities to assist with boxes manipulation.
BoyerMyrvoldPlanarityInspector<V,E> |
An implementation of the Boyer-Myrvold planarity testing algorithm.
BreadthFirstIterator<V,E> |
A breadth-first iterator for a directed or undirected graph.
BreadthFirstIterator.SearchNodeData<E> |
Data kept for discovered vertices.
BronKerboschCliqueFinder<V,E> |
Bron-Kerbosch maximal clique enumeration algorithm.
BrownBacktrackColoring<V,E> |
Brown graph coloring algorithm.
CapacitatedSpanningTreeAlgorithm<V,E> |
An algorithm which computes a capacitated (minimum) spanning tree of a given connected graph with
a designated root vertex.
CapacitatedSpanningTreeAlgorithm.CapacitatedSpanningTree<V,E> |
A spanning tree.
CapacitatedSpanningTreeAlgorithm.CapacitatedSpanningTreeImpl<V,E> |
Default implementation of the spanning tree interface.
CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow<V,E> |
This class computes a solution to a
minimum cost flow problem
using the successive shortest path algorithm with capacity scaling.
ChinesePostman<V,E> |
This class solves the Chinese Postman Problem (CPP), also known as the Route Inspection Problem.
CHManyToManyShortestPaths<V,E> |
Efficient algorithm for the many-to-many shortest paths problem based on contraction hierarchy.
ChordalGraphColoring<V,E> |
ChordalGraphIndependentSetFinder<V,E> |
ChordalGraphMaxCliqueFinder<V,E> |
ChordalGraphMinimalVertexSeparatorFinder<V,E> |
ChordalityInspector<V,E> |
ChordalityInspector.IterationOrder |
Specifies internal iterator type.
ChristofidesThreeHalvesApproxMetricTSP<V,E> |
A $3/2$-approximation algorithm for the metric TSP problem.
CircularLayoutAlgorithm2D<V,E> |
Circular layout.
ClarksonTwoApproxVCImpl<V,E> |
Implementation of the 2-opt algorithm for a minimum weighted vertex cover by Clarkson, Kenneth L.
CliqueAlgorithm<V> |
Algorithm to compute a (weighted) Clique
in a graph.
CliqueAlgorithm.Clique<V> |
CliqueAlgorithm.CliqueImpl<V> |
Default implementation of a (weighted) clique
CliqueMinimalSeparatorDecomposition<V,E> |
Clique Minimal Separator Decomposition using MCS-M+ and Atoms algorithm as described in Berry et
ClosenessCentrality<V,E> |
Closeness centrality.
ClosestFirstIterator<V,E> |
A closest-first iterator for a directed or undirected graph.
ClusteringAlgorithm<V> |
An algorithm which computes a graph vertex clustering.
ClusteringAlgorithm.Clustering<V> |
A clustering.
ClusteringAlgorithm.ClusteringImpl<V> |
Default implementation of the clustering interface.
ClusteringCoefficient<V,E> |
Clustering coefficient.
CollectionUtil |
Utility class to create Collection instances.
ColorRefinementAlgorithm<V,E> |
Color refinement algorithm that finds the coarsest stable coloring of a graph based on a given
alpha coloring as described in the following
paper: C.
ColorRefinementIsomorphismInspector<V,E> |
ComplementGraphGenerator<V,E> |
CompleteBipartiteGraphGenerator<V,E> |
CompleteGraphDemo |
Demonstrates how to create a complete graph and perform a depth first search on it.
CompleteGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates a complete graph of any size.
ConnectedComponentTraversalEvent |
A traversal event with respect to a connected component.
ConnectivityInspector<V,E> |
Allows obtaining various connectivity aspects of a graph.
ContractionHierarchyBidirectionalDijkstra<V,E> |
Implementation of the hierarchical query algorithm based on the bidirectional Dijkstra search.
ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation<V,E> |
ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation.ContractionEdge<E1> |
Edge for building the contraction hierarchy.
ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation.ContractionHierarchy<V,E> |
Return type of this algorithm.
ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation.ContractionVertex<V1> |
Vertex for building the contraction hierarchy, which contains an original vertex from
graph .
Coreness<V,E> |
Computes the coreness of each vertex in an undirected graph.
CrossComponentIterator<V,E,D> |
Provides a cross-connected-component traversal functionality for iterator subclasses.
CSVEventDrivenImporter |
Imports a graph from a CSV Format or any other Delimiter-separated value format.
CSVExporter<V,E> |
Exports a graph into a CSV Format or any other Delimiter-separated value format.
CSVFormat |
Supported CSV formats.
CSVFormat.Parameter |
Parameters that affect the behavior of CVS importers/exporters.
CSVImporter<V,E> |
Imports a graph from a CSV Format or any other Delimiter-separated value format.
CycleBasisAlgorithm<V,E> |
Allows to derive an undirected cycle
basis of a given graph.
CycleBasisAlgorithm.CycleBasis<V,E> |
An undirected cycle basis.
CycleBasisAlgorithm.CycleBasisImpl<V,E> |
Default implementation of the undirected cycle basis interface.
CycleDetector<V,E> |
Performs cycle detection on a graph.
Cycles |
Collection of helper methods related to cycles.
DefaultAttribute<T> |
Default implementation of an attribute.
DefaultDirectedGraph<V,E> |
The default implementation of a directed graph.
DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<V,E> |
The default implementation of a directed weighted graph.
DefaultEdge |
A default implementation for edges in a Graph .
DefaultEdgeFunction<E,T> |
Default implementation of an edge function which uses a map to store values.
DefaultGraphMapping<V,E> |
Implementation of the GraphMapping interface.
DefaultGraphSpecificsStrategy<V,E> |
A default lookup specifics strategy implementation.
DefaultGraphType |
Default implementation of the graph type.
DefaultGraphType.Builder |
DefaultListenableGraph<V,E> |
A graph backed by the the graph specified at the constructor, which can be listened by
GraphListener s and by
VertexSetListener s.
DefaultManyToManyShortestPaths<V,E> |
Naive algorithm for many-to-many shortest paths problem using.
DefaultUndirectedGraph<V,E> |
The default implementation of an undirected graph.
DefaultUndirectedWeightedGraph<V,E> |
The default implementation of an undirected weighted graph.
DefaultWeightedEdge |
A default implementation for edges in a weighted graph.
DegeneracyBronKerboschCliqueFinder<V,E> |
Bron-Kerbosch maximal clique enumeration algorithm with pivot and degeneracy ordering.
DegeneracyOrderingIterator<V,E> |
A degeneracy ordering iterator.
DeltaSteppingShortestPath<V,E> |
Parallel implementation of a single-source shortest path algorithm: the delta-stepping algorithm.
DenseEdmondsMaximumCardinalityMatching<V,E> |
This implementation of Edmonds' blossom algorithm computes maximum cardinality matchings in
undirected graphs.
DependencyDemo |
This class is a demonstration program for creating a dependency chart, directed graph, then
locating and outputting any implicit loops, cycles.
DepthFirstIterator<V,E> |
A depth-first iterator for a directed or undirected graph.
DepthFirstIterator.VisitColor |
Standard vertex visit state enumeration.
DijkstraManyToManyShortestPaths<V,E> |
Naive algorithm for many-to-many shortest paths problem using
DijkstraClosestFirstIterator .
DijkstraShortestPath<V,E> |
DIMACSEventDrivenImporter |
A generic importer using consumers for DIMACS format.
DIMACSExporter<V,E> |
Exports a graph into DIMACS format.
DIMACSExporter.Parameter |
DIMACSFormat |
DIMACS challenge format.
DIMACSImporter<V,E> |
Imports a graph specified in DIMACS format.
DinicMFImpl<V,E> |
Implementation of <a href = "">Dinic
algorithm</a> with scaling for
<a href = ""maximum"maximum flow
DirectedAcyclicGraph<V,E> |
A directed acyclic graph (DAG).
DirectedAcyclicGraph.Region |
An inclusive range of indices: [start, finish].
DirectedAcyclicGraph.TopoOrderMap<V> |
An interface for storing the topological ordering.
DirectedAcyclicGraph.TopoVertexBiMap<V> |
A dual map implementation of the topological order map.
DirectedAcyclicGraph.VisitedArrayImpl |
A visited strategy using an array.
DirectedAcyclicGraph.VisitedArrayListImpl |
A visited strategy using an ArrayList .
DirectedAcyclicGraph.VisitedBitSetImpl |
A visited strategy which uses a BitSet .
DirectedAcyclicGraph.VisitedHashSetImpl |
A visited strategy using a HashSet .
DirectedAcyclicGraph.VisitedStrategy |
A strategy for marking vertices as visited.
DirectedAcyclicGraph.VisitedStrategyFactory |
A visited strategy factory.
DirectedEdgeContainer<V,E> |
A container for vertex edges.
DirectedGraphDemo |
This class demonstrates some of the operations that can be performed on directed graphs.
DirectedMultigraph<V,E> |
A directed multigraph.
DirectedPseudograph<V,E> |
A directed pseudograph.
DirectedScaleFreeGraphGenerator<V,E> |
A generator for directed scale-free graphs.
DirectedSimpleCycles<V,E> |
A common interface for classes implementing algorithms for enumeration of the simple cycles of a
directed graph.
DirectedSpecifics<V,E> |
Plain implementation of DirectedSpecifics.
DirectedWeightedMultigraph<V,E> |
A directed weighted multigraph.
DirectedWeightedPseudograph<V,E> |
A directed weighted pseudograph.
DOTEventDrivenImporter |
Import a graph from a DOT file.
DOTExporter<V,E> |
Exports a graph into a DOT file.
DOTImporter<V,E> |
Import a graph from a DOT file.
DoublyLinkedList<E> |
DoublyLinkedList implements a doubly linked List data structure, that exposes its
ListNodes where the data is stored in.
DoublyLinkedList.ListNode<V> |
DoublyLinkedList.ListNodeIterator<E> |
DoublyLinkedList.NodeIterator<E> |
DulmageMendelsohnDecomposition<V,E> |
This class computes a Dulmage-Mendelsohn Decomposition of a bipartite graph.
DulmageMendelsohnDecomposition.Decomposition<V,E> |
The output of a decomposition operation
EdgeBasedTwoApproxVCImpl<V,E> |
Finds a 2-approximation for a minimum vertex cover A vertex cover is a set of vertices that
touches all the edges in the graph.
EdgeReversedGraph<V,E> |
Provides an edge-reversed view $g'$ of a directed graph $g$.
EdgeSetFactory<V,E> |
A factory for edge sets.
EdgeTraversalEvent<E> |
A traversal event for a graph edge.
EdmondsKarpMFImpl<V,E> |
EmptyGraphGenerator<V,E> |
EppsteinKShortestPath<V,E> |
Implementation of the Eppstein`s algorithm for finding $k$ shortest path between two vertices in
a graph.
EppsteinShortestPathIterator<V,E> |
Iterator over the shortest paths (not required to be simple) between two vertices in a graph
sorted by weight.
EsauWilliamsCapacitatedMinimumSpanningTree<V,E> |
Implementation of a randomized version of the Esau-Williams heuristic, a greedy randomized
adaptive search heuristic (GRASP) for the capacitated minimum spanning tree (CMST) problem.
EulerianCycleAlgorithm<V,E> |
Computes an Eulerian cycle of an Eulerian graph.
EulerTourRMQLCAFinder<V,E> |
Algorithm for computing lowest common ancestors in rooted trees and forests based on Berkman,
Omer; Vishkin, Uzi (1993), "Recursive Star-Tree Parallel Data Structure", SIAM Journal on
Computing, 22 (2): 221–242, doi:10.1137/0222017.
EventDrivenImporter<V,E> |
Interface for an importer using consumers.
ExportException |
An exception that the library throws in case of graph export errors.
Extension |
Class which represents an abstract extension/encapsulation object.
ExtensionFactory<B extends Extension> |
Factory class which creates extension/encapsulation objects
ExtensionManager<T,B extends Extension> |
Convenience class to manage extensions/encapsulations.
FastLookupDirectedSpecifics<V,E> |
Fast implementation of DirectedSpecifics.
FastLookupGraphSpecificsStrategy<V,E> |
The fast lookup specifics strategy implementation.
FastLookupUndirectedSpecifics<V,E> |
Fast implementation of UndirectedSpecifics.
FastutilFastLookupGSS<V,E> |
The fast lookup specifics strategy implementation using fastutil maps for storage..
FastutilFastLookupIntVertexGSS<E> |
A specifics strategy implementation using fastutil maps for storage specialized for integer
FastutilGSS<V,E> |
A specifics strategy implementation using fastutil maps for storage.
FastutilIntVertexGSS<E> |
A specifics strategy implementation using fastutil maps for storage specialized for integer
FastutilMapGraph<V,E> |
A graph implementation using fastutil's map implementations for storage.
FastutilMapIntVertexGraph<E> |
A graph implementation using fastutil's map implementations for storage specialized
for integer vertices.
FixedSizeIntegerQueue |
Primitive but efficient implementation of a fixed size queue for integers.
FlowAlgorithm<V,E> |
Interface for flow algorithms
FlowAlgorithm.Flow<E> |
Represents a flow.
FlowAlgorithm.FlowImpl<E> |
FloydWarshallShortestPaths<V,E> |
The Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
FRLayoutAlgorithm2D<V,E> |
Fruchterman and Reingold Force-Directed Placement Algorithm.
FRLayoutAlgorithm2D.TemperatureModel |
A general interface for a temperature model.
GabowStrongConnectivityInspector<V,E> |
Computes the strongly connected components of a directed graph.
GeneralizedPetersenGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generator for Generalized
Petersen Graphs The Generalized Petersen graphs $GP(n,k)$ are a family of cubic graphs formed
by connecting the vertices of a regular polygon (cycle graph $C_n$) to the corresponding vertices
of a star polygon ${n,k}$.
GEXFAttributeType |
Attribute types supported by GEXF.
GEXFExporter<V,E> |
Exports a graph as GEXF (Graph Exchange XML Format).
GEXFExporter.AttributeCategory |
Denotes the category of a GEXF-Attribute.
GEXFExporter.Parameter |
Parameters that affect the behavior of the exporter.
GmlEventDrivenImporter |
Imports a graph from a GML file (Graph Modeling Language).
GmlExporter<V,E> |
Exports a graph into a GML file (Graph Modeling Language).
GmlExporter.Parameter |
Parameters that affect the behavior of the GmlExporter exporter.
GmlImporter<V,E> |
Imports a graph from a GML file (Graph Modeling Language).
GnmRandomBipartiteGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Create a random bipartite graph based on the $G(n, M)$ Erdős–Rényi model.
GnmRandomGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Create a random graph based on the $G(n, M)$ Erdős–Rényi model.
GnpRandomBipartiteGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Create a random bipartite graph based on the $G(n, p)$ Erdős–Rényi model.
GnpRandomGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Create a random graph based on the $G(n, p)$ Erdős–Rényi model.
GoldbergMaximumDensitySubgraphAlgorithm<V,E> |
This class computes a maximum density subgraph based on the algorithm described by Andrew
Vladislav Goldberg in
Finding Maximum Density Subgraphs, 1984, University of Berkley.
GoldbergMaximumDensitySubgraphAlgorithmBase<V,E> |
This abstract base class computes a maximum density subgraph based on the algorithm described by
Andrew Vladislav Goldberg in
Finding Maximum
Density Subgraphs, 1984, University of Berkley.
GoldbergMaximumDensitySubgraphAlgorithmNodeWeightPerEdgeWeight<V extends Pair<?,java.lang.Double>,E> |
This class computes a maximum density subgraph based on the algorithm described by Andrew
Vladislav Goldberg in
Finding Maximum Density Subgraphs, 1984, University of Berkley.
GoldbergMaximumDensitySubgraphAlgorithmNodeWeights<V extends Pair<?,java.lang.Double>,E> |
This class computes a maximum density subgraph based on the algorithm described by Andrew
Vladislav Goldberg in
Finding Maximum Density Subgraphs, 1984, University of Berkley.
Graph<V,E> |
The root interface in the graph hierarchy.
Graph6Sparse6EventDrivenImporter |
Importer which reads graphs in graph6 or sparse6 format.
Graph6Sparse6Exporter<V,E> |
Exporter which exports graphs in graph6 or sparse6 format.
Graph6Sparse6Exporter.Format |
Format type: graph6 (g6) or sparse6(s6)
Graph6Sparse6Importer<V,E> |
Importer which reads graphs in graph6 or sparse6 format.
GraphBuilder<V,E,G extends Graph<V,E>> |
A builder class for Graph .
GraphBuilderDemo |
GraphChangeEvent |
An event which indicates that a graph has changed.
GraphDelegator<V,E> |
A graph backed by the the graph specified at the constructor, which delegates all its methods to
the backing graph.
GraphEdgeChangeEvent<V,E> |
An event which indicates that a graph edge has changed, or is about to change.
GraphExporter<V,E> |
Interface for graph exporters
GraphGenerator<V,E,T> |
An interface for generating new graph structures.
GraphImporter<V,E> |
Interface for graph importers
GraphIterator<V,E> |
A graph iterator.
GraphListener<V,E> |
A listener that is notified when the graph changes.
GraphMapping<V,E> |
GraphMapping represents a bidirectional mapping between two graphs (called graph1 and graph2),
which allows the caller to obtain the matching vertex or edge in either direction, from graph1 to
graph2, or from graph2 to graph1.
GraphMeasurer<V,E> |
Algorithm class which computes a number of distance related metrics.
GraphMetrics |
Collection of methods which provide numerical graph information.
GraphMLDemo |
This class demonstrates exporting and importing a graph with custom vertex and edge attributes in
GraphMLEventDrivenImporter |
Imports a graph from a GraphML data source.
GraphMLExporter<V,E> |
Exports a graph as GraphML.
GraphMLExporter.AttributeCategory |
Denotes the category of a GraphML-Attribute.
GraphMLImporter<V,E> |
Imports a graph from a GraphML data source.
GraphPath<V,E> |
Graphs |
A collection of utilities to assist with graph manipulation.
GraphSpecificsStrategy<V,E> |
A graph specifics construction factory.
GraphTests |
A collection of utilities to test for various graph properties.
GraphType |
A graph type.
GraphTypeBuilder<V,E> |
A builder class for the hierarchy of Graph s that the library provides.
GraphVertexChangeEvent<V> |
An event which indicates that a graph vertex has changed, or is about to change.
GraphWalk<V,E> |
A walk in a graph is an alternating sequence of vertices and edges, starting and ending at a
vertex, in which each edge is adjacent in the sequence to its two endpoints.
GreedyColoring<V,E> |
The greedy coloring algorithm.
GreedyHeuristicTSP<V,E> |
The greedy heuristic algorithm for the TSP problem.
GreedyMaximumCardinalityMatching<V,E> |
The greedy algorithm for computing a maximum cardinality matching.
GreedyMultiplicativeSpanner<V,E> |
Greedy algorithm for $(2k-1)$-multiplicative spanner construction (for any integer
k >= 1).
GreedyVCImpl<V,E> |
Greedy algorithm to find a vertex cover for a graph.
GreedyWeightedMatching<V,E> |
The greedy algorithm for computing a maximum weight matching in an arbitrary graph.
GridGraphGenerator<V,E> |
GusfieldEquivalentFlowTree<V,E> |
This class computes an Equivalent Flow Tree (EFT) using the algorithm proposed by Dan Gusfield.
GusfieldGomoryHuCutTree<V,E> |
This class computes a Gomory-Hu tree (GHT) using the algorithm proposed by Dan Gusfield.
HamiltonianCycleAlgorithm<V,E> |
HamiltonianCycleAlgorithmBase<V,E> |
Base class for TSP solver algorithms.
HamiltonianCycleImprovementAlgorithm<V,E> |
HarmonicCentrality<V,E> |
Harmonic centrality.
HawickJamesSimpleCycles<V,E> |
Find all simple cycles of a directed graph using the algorithm described by Hawick and James.
HeavyPathDecomposition<V,E> |
Algorithm for computing the heavy path decomposition of a rooted tree/forest.
HeavyPathLCAFinder<V,E> |
HeldKarpTSP<V,E> |
A dynamic programming algorithm for the TSP problem.
HelloJGraphT |
A simple introduction to using JGraphT.
HierholzerEulerianCycle<V,E> |
An implementation of Hierholzer's algorithm for finding an Eulerian cycle in Eulerian graphs.
HopcroftKarpMaximumCardinalityBipartiteMatching<V,E> |
Implementation of the well-known Hopcroft Karp algorithm to compute a matching of maximum
cardinality in a bipartite graph.
HyperCubeGraphGenerator<V,E> |
ImmutableDoubleValueGraphAdapter<V> |
A graph adapter class using Guava's ImmutableValueGraph specialized with double values.
ImmutableGraphAdapter<V> |
A graph adapter class using Guava's ImmutableGraph .
ImmutableNetworkAdapter<V,E> |
A graph adapter class using Guava's ImmutableNetwork .
ImmutableValueGraphAdapter<V,W> |
A graph adapter class using Guava's ImmutableValueGraph .
ImportEvent |
Special events which may happen during import.
ImportException |
An exception that the library throws in case of graph import errors.
IndependentSetAlgorithm<V> |
IndependentSetAlgorithm.IndependentSet<V> |
IndependentSetAlgorithm.IndependentSetImpl<V> |
Default implementation of a (weighted) independent set
IndexedFRLayoutAlgorithm2D<V,E> |
Fruchterman and Reingold Force-Directed Placement Algorithm using the
Barnes-Hut indexing
technique with a QuadTree.
IntegerIdProvider<T> |
Assign a unique integer identifier to a set of elements.
IntrusiveEdgesSpecifics<V,E> |
An interface for the set of intrusive edges of a graph.
IntVertexDijkstraShortestPath<E> |
Dijkstra Shortest Path implementation specialized for graphs with integer vertices.
IsomorphicGraphMapping<V,E> |
This class represents a GraphMapping between two (subgraph)isomorphic graphs.
IsomorphismInspector<V,E> |
General interface for graph and subgraph isomorphism.
IsomorphismUndecidableException |
Implementation of IsomorphismUndecidableException to indicate undecidable isomorphism cases in
isomorphism inspectors
JGraphXAdapter<V,E> |
Adapter to draw a JGraphT graph with the JGraphX drawing library.
JGraphXAdapterDemo |
A demo applet that shows how to use JGraphX to visualize JGraphT graphs.
JohnsonShortestPaths<V,E> |
Johnson's all pairs shortest paths algorithm.
JohnsonSimpleCycles<V,E> |
Find all simple cycles of a directed graph using the Johnson's algorithm.
JSONEventDrivenImporter |
Imports a graph from a JSON file.
JSONExporter<V,E> |
Exports a graph using JSON.
JSONImporter<V,E> |
Imports a graph from a JSON file.
KleinbergSmallWorldGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Kleinberg's small-world graph generator.
KolmogorovWeightedMatching<V,E> |
This class computes weighted matchings in general graphs.
KolmogorovWeightedPerfectMatching<V,E> |
This class computes weighted perfect matchings in general graphs using the Blossom V algorithm.
KolmogorovWeightedPerfectMatching.DualSolution<V,E> |
A solution to the dual linear program formulated on the graph
KolmogorovWeightedPerfectMatching.Statistics |
Describes the performance characteristics of the algorithm and numeric data about the number
of performed dual operations during the main phase of the algorithm
KosarajuStrongConnectivityInspector<V,E> |
Computes strongly connected components of a directed graph.
KruskalMinimumSpanningTree<V,E> |
KShortestPathAlgorithm<V,E> |
An algorithm which computes $k$-shortest paths between vertices.
KShortestSimplePaths<V,E> |
KSpanningTreeClustering<V,E> |
The k spanning tree clustering algorithm.
KuhnMunkresMinimalWeightBipartitePerfectMatching<V,E> |
Kuhn-Munkres algorithm (named in honor of Harold Kuhn and James Munkres) solving assignment
problem also known as hungarian
algorithm (in the honor of hungarian mathematicians Dénes K?nig and Jen? Egerváry).
LabeledEdges |
An example of how to apply edge labels using a custom edge class.
LabelPropagationClustering<V,E> |
A label propagation clustering algorithm.
LargestDegreeFirstColoring<V,E> |
The largest degree first greedy coloring algorithm.
LayoutAlgorithm2D<V,E> |
A general interface for a layout 2D algorithm.
LayoutModel2D<V> |
A general interface for the 2D layout model.
LemonExporter<V,E> |
Exports a graph into Lemon graph format (LGF).
LemonExporter.Parameter |
Parameters that affect the behavior of the LemonExporter exporter.
LexBreadthFirstIterator<V,E> |
A lexicographical breadth-first iterator for an undirected graph.
LinearGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates a linear graph of any size.
LinearizedChordDiagramGraphGenerator<V,E> |
The linearized chord diagram graph model generator.
LineGraphConverter<V,E,EE> |
Converter which produces the line graph
of a given input graph.
ListenableGraph<V,E> |
A graph that supports listeners on structural change events.
ListenableLayoutModel2D<V> |
A layout model wrapper which adds support for listeners.
ListMultiObjectiveSingleSourcePathsImpl<V,E> |
ListSingleSourcePathsImpl<V,E> |
LowestCommonAncestorAlgorithm<V> |
ManyToManyShortestPathsAlgorithm<V,E> |
An algorithm which computes shortest paths from all sources to all targets.
ManyToManyShortestPathsAlgorithm.BaseManyToManyShortestPathsImpl<V,E> |
Base class for many-to-many shortest paths implementations.
ManyToManyShortestPathsAlgorithm.ManyToManyShortestPaths<V,E> |
A set of paths from all sources vertices to all target vertices.
MapLayoutModel2D<V> |
A layout model which uses a hashtable to store the vertices' locations.
MartinShortestPath<V,E> |
Martin's algorithm for the multi-objective shortest paths problem.
MaskSubgraph<V,E> |
An unmodifiable subgraph induced by a vertex/edge masking function.
MatchingAlgorithm<V,E> |
Allows to derive a matching of
a given graph.
MatchingAlgorithm.Matching<V,E> |
A graph matching.
MatchingAlgorithm.MatchingImpl<V,E> |
A default implementation of the matching interface.
MathUtil |
Math Utilities.
MatrixExporter<V,E> |
Exports a graph to a plain text matrix format, which can be processed by matrix manipulation
software, such as MTJ or
MatrixExporter.Format |
MaximalCliqueEnumerationAlgorithm<V,E> |
A maximal clique enumeration algorithm.
MaximumCardinalityIterator<V,E> |
A maximum cardinality search iterator for an undirected graph.
MaximumDensitySubgraphAlgorithm<V,E> |
Interface for algorithms computing the maximum density subgraph
MaximumFlowAlgorithm<V,E> |
MaximumFlowAlgorithm.MaximumFlow<E> |
A maximum flow
MaximumFlowAlgorithm.MaximumFlowImpl<E> |
Default implementation of the maximum flow
MaximumFlowAlgorithmBase<V,E> |
MaximumWeightBipartiteMatching<V,E> |
Maximum weight matching in bipartite graphs.
MinimumCostFlowAlgorithm<V,E> |
MinimumCostFlowAlgorithm.MinimumCostFlow<E> |
Represents a minimum cost flow.
MinimumCostFlowAlgorithm.MinimumCostFlowImpl<E> |
MinimumCostFlowProblem<V,E> |
MinimumCostFlowProblem.MinimumCostFlowProblemImpl<V,E> |
Default implementation of a Minimum Cost Flow Problem
MinimumSTCutAlgorithm<V,E> |
Given a weighted graph $G(V,E)$ (directed or undirected).
ModifiableInteger |
The ModifiableInteger class wraps a value of the primitive type int in
an object, similarly to Integer .
Multigraph<V,E> |
A multigraph.
MultiObjectiveShortestPathAlgorithm<V,E> |
An algorithm which computes multi-objective shortest paths between vertices.
MultiObjectiveShortestPathAlgorithm.MultiObjectiveSingleSourcePaths<V,E> |
A set of paths starting from a single source vertex.
MutableDoubleValueGraphAdapter<V> |
A graph adapter class using Guava's MutableValueGraph specialized with double values.
MutableGraphAdapter<V> |
A graph adapter class using Guava's MutableGraph .
MutableNetworkAdapter<V,E> |
A graph adapter class using Guava's MutableNetwork .
MutableValueGraphAdapter<V,W> |
A graph adapter class using Guava's MutableValueGraph .
NaiveLCAFinder<V,E> |
Find the Lowest Common Ancestor of a directed graph.
NamedGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Collection of commonly used named graphs
NearestInsertionHeuristicTSP<V,E> |
The nearest insertion heuristic algorithm for the TSP problem.
NearestNeighborHeuristicTSP<V,E> |
The nearest neighbour heuristic algorithm for the TSP problem.
NegativeCycleDetectedException |
An exception used to notify about the detection of a negative cycle.
NeighborCache<V,E> |
Maintains a cache of each vertex's neighbors.
ObjectiveSense |
Enum specifying the objective sense of the algorithm.
PadbergRaoOddMinimumCutset<V,E> |
Implementation of the algorithm by Padberg and Rao to compute Odd Minimum Cut-Sets.
PageRank<V,E> |
PageRank implementation.
Pair<A,B> |
Generic pair.
PalmerHamiltonianCycle<V,E> |
Palmer's algorithm for computing Hamiltonian cycles in graphs that meet Ore's condition.
ParanoidGraph<V,E> |
ParanoidGraph provides a way to verify that objects added to a graph obey the standard
equals/hashCode contract.
ParberryKnightTour |
Implementation of <a href = "">
Parberry's algorithm</a> for
<a href = "">closed knight's tour
PartitioningAlgorithm<V> |
Algorithm to compute a vertex partitioning of a graph.
PartitioningAlgorithm.Partitioning<V> |
PartitioningAlgorithm.PartitioningImpl<V> |
Default implementation of a vertex partition
PathGrowingWeightedMatching<V,E> |
A linear time $\frac{1}{2}$-approximation algorithm for finding a maximum weight matching in an
arbitrary graph.
PathValidator<V,E> |
May be used to provide external path validations in addition to the basic validations done by
KShortestSimplePaths - that the path is from source to target and that it does not
contain loops.
PatonCycleBase<V,E> |
Find a cycle basis of an undirected graph using a variant of Paton's algorithm.
PerformanceDemo |
A simple demo to test memory and CPU consumption on a graph with 3 million elements.
PivotBronKerboschCliqueFinder<V,E> |
Bron-Kerbosch maximal clique enumeration algorithm with pivot.
PlanarityTestingAlgorithm<V,E> |
Allows to check the planarity of the graph.
PlanarityTestingAlgorithm.Embedding<V,E> |
PlanarityTestingAlgorithm.EmbeddingImpl<V,E> |
PlantedPartitionGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Create a random $l$-planted partition graph.
Point2D |
A 2-dimensional point in Euclidean space.
Points |
A collection of utilities to assist with point manipulation.
PrefetchIterator<E> |
Utility class to help implement an iterator/enumerator in which the hasNext() method needs to
calculate the next elements ahead of time.
PrefetchIterator.NextElementFunctor<EE> |
A functor for the calculation of the next element.
PrimMinimumSpanningTree<V,E> |
An implementation of Prim's
algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree/forest subject to connectivity of the supplied
weighted undirected graph.
PruferTreeGenerator<V,E> |
Generates a random tree using Prüfer sequences.
Pseudograph<V,E> |
A pseudograph.
PushRelabelMFImpl<V,E> |
QueueBFSFundamentalCycleBasis<V,E> |
Generate a set of fundamental cycles by building a spanning tree (forest) using a straightforward
implementation of BFS using a FIFO queue.
RadixSort |
Sorts the specified list of integers into ascending order using the Radix Sort method.
RandomGreedyColoring<V,E> |
The greedy coloring algorithm with a random vertex ordering.
RandomLayoutAlgorithm2D<V,E> |
Random layout.
RandomRegularGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generate a random $d$-regular undirected graph with $n$ vertices.
RandomTourTSP<V,E> |
Generate a random tour.
RandomWalkIterator<V,E> |
A random walk iterator for a directed or undirected graph.
RatioVertex<V> |
Helper class for vertex covers.
RecursiveExactVCImpl<V,E> |
Finds a minimum vertex cover in a undirected graph.
RingGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Generates a ring graph of any size.
SaturationDegreeColoring<V,E> |
The Dsatur greedy coloring algorithm.
ScaleFreeGraphGenerator<V,E> |
ShortestPathAlgorithm<V,E> |
An algorithm which computes shortest paths between vertices.
ShortestPathAlgorithm.SingleSourcePaths<V,E> |
A set of paths starting from a single source vertex.
SimpleDirectedGraph<V,E> |
A simple directed graph.
SimpleDirectedWeightedGraph<V,E> |
A simple directed weighted graph.
SimpleGEXFEventDrivenImporter |
Imports a graph from a GEXF data source.
SimpleGEXFImporter<V,E> |
Imports a graph from a GEXF data source.
SimpleGraph<V,E> |
SimpleGraphMLEdgeListImporter |
Imports a GraphML file as an edge list.
SimpleGraphMLEventDrivenImporter |
Imports a graph from a GraphML data source.
SimpleGraphMLImporter<V,E> |
Imports a graph from a GraphML data source.
SimpleWeightedBipartiteGraphMatrixGenerator<V,E> |
A simple weighted bipartite graph matrix generator.
SimpleWeightedGraph<V,E> |
A simple weighted graph.
SimpleWeightedGraphMatrixGenerator<V,E> |
A simple weighted graph matrix generator.
SmallestDegreeLastColoring<V,E> |
The smallest degree last greedy coloring algorithm.
SpannerAlgorithm<E> |
SpannerAlgorithm.Spanner<E> |
A graph spanner.
SpannerAlgorithm.SpannerImpl<E> |
Default implementation of the spanner interface.
SpanningTreeAlgorithm<E> |
An algorithm which computes a spanning
tree of a given connected graph.
SpanningTreeAlgorithm.SpanningTree<E> |
A spanning tree.
SpanningTreeAlgorithm.SpanningTreeImpl<E> |
Default implementation of the spanning tree interface.
SparseEdmondsMaximumCardinalityMatching<V,E> |
Edmonds' blossom algorithm for maximum cardinality matching in general undirected graphs.
SparseIntDirectedGraph |
A sparse directed graph.
SparseIntDirectedWeightedGraph |
Sparse directed weighted graph.
SparseIntUndirectedGraph |
Sparse undirected graph.
SparseIntUndirectedWeightedGraph |
Sparse undirected weighted graph.
Specifics<V,E> |
An interface encapsulating the basic graph operations.
StackBFSFundamentalCycleBasis<V,E> |
Generate a set of fundamental cycles by building a spanning tree (forest) using an implementation
of BFS using a LIFO Stack.
StarGraphGenerator<V,E> |
StoerWagnerMinimumCut<V,E> |
StrongConnectivityAlgorithm<V,E> |
A strong connectivity inspector algorithm.
SupplierUtil |
Helper class for suppliers.
SuurballeKDisjointShortestPaths<V,E> |
An implementation of Suurballe algorithm for finding K edge-disjoint shortest paths.
SzwarcfiterLauerSimpleCycles<V,E> |
Find all simple cycles of a directed graph using the Schwarcfiter and Lauer's algorithm.
TarjanLCAFinder<V,E> |
Tarjan's offline algorithm for computing lowest common ancestors in rooted trees and forests.
TarjanSimpleCycles<V,E> |
Find all simple cycles of a directed graph using the Tarjan's algorithm.
TiernanSimpleCycles<V,E> |
Find all simple cycles of a directed graph using the Tiernan's algorithm.
ToleranceDoubleComparator |
A double comparator with adjustable tolerance.
TooManyFailuresException |
Raised when the generator fails, too many times in a row, to grow a graph.
TopologicalOrderIterator<V,E> |
A topological ordering iterator for a directed acyclic graph.
TransitiveClosure |
Constructs the transitive closure of the input graph.
TransitiveReduction |
TraversalListener<V,E> |
A listener on graph iterator or on a graph traverser.
TraversalListenerAdapter<V,E> |
An empty do-nothing implementation of the TraversalListener interface used for
TreeDynamicConnectivity<T> |
Data structure for storing dynamic trees and querying node connectivity
TreeMeasurer<V,E> |
Algorithm class which computes a number of distance related metrics for trees.
TreeSingleSourcePathsImpl<V,E> |
TreeToPathDecompositionAlgorithm<V,E> |
An algorithm which computes a decomposition into disjoint paths for a given tree/forest
TreeToPathDecompositionAlgorithm.PathDecomposition<V,E> |
A path decomposition.
TreeToPathDecompositionAlgorithm.PathDecompositionImpl<V,E> |
Default implementation of the path decomposition interface.
Triple<A,B,C> |
Generic triple (3-tuple).
TSPLIBImporter<V,E> |
Importer for files in the
TSPLIB95 format.
TSPLIBImporter.Metadata<V,E> |
Container for the meta data of an imported TSPLIB95 file.
TSPLIBImporter.Node |
A node imported from the NODE_COORD_SECTION of a TSPLIB95-file.
TSPLIBImporter.Specification |
Container for the entry values read from the specification part of a file in
TSPLIB95 format.
TwoApproxMetricTSP<V,E> |
A 2-approximation algorithm for the metric TSP problem.
TwoOptHeuristicTSP<V,E> |
The 2-opt heuristic algorithm for the TSP problem.
TypeUtil |
TypeUtil isolates type-unsafety so that code which uses it for legitimate reasons can stay
UndirectedEdgeContainer<V,E> |
A container for vertex edges.
UndirectedSpecifics<V,E> |
Plain implementation of UndirectedSpecifics.
UniformIntrusiveEdgesSpecifics<V,E> |
An uniform weights variant of the intrusive edges specifics.
UnionFind<T> |
UnmodifiableUnionSet<E> |
An unmodifiable live view of the union of two sets.
UnorderedPair<A,B> |
Generic unordered pair.
VertexColoringAlgorithm<V> |
An algorithm which computes a graph vertex coloring.
VertexColoringAlgorithm.Coloring<V> |
A coloring.
VertexColoringAlgorithm.ColoringImpl<V> |
Default implementation of the coloring interface.
VertexCoverAlgorithm<V> |
VertexCoverAlgorithm.VertexCover<V> |
VertexCoverAlgorithm.VertexCoverImpl<V> |
Default implementation of a (weighted) vertex cover
VertexDegreeComparator<V,E> |
Compares two vertices based on their degree.
VertexDegreeComparator.Order |
Order in which we sort the vertices: ascending vertex degree or descending vertex degree
VertexScoringAlgorithm<V,D> |
An interface for all algorithms which assign scores to vertices of a graph.
VertexSetListener<V> |
A listener that is notified when the graph's vertex set changes.
VertexToIntegerMapping<V> |
Helper class for building a one-to-one mapping for a collection of vertices to the integer range
$[0, n)$ where $n$ is the number of vertices in the collection.
VertexTraversalEvent<V> |
A traversal event for a graph vertex.
VF2AbstractIsomorphismInspector<V,E> |
VF2GraphIsomorphismInspector<V,E> |
VF2SubgraphIsomorphismInspector<V,E> |
This is an implementation of the VF2 algorithm using its feature of detecting subgraph
isomorphism between two graphs as described in Cordella et al.
VisioExporter<V,E> |
Exports a graph to a CSV format that can be imported into MS Visio.
WarnsdorffRuleKnightTourHeuristic |
Implementation of <a href =
rule</a> - heuristic for finding a knight's tour on chessboards.
WattsStrogatzGraphGenerator<V,E> |
Watts-Strogatz small-world graph generator.
WeakChordalityInspector<V,E> |
WeightCombiner |
Binary operator for edge weights.
WeightedIntrusiveEdgesSpecifics<V,E> |
A weighted variant of the intrusive edges specifics.
WeightedMultigraph<V,E> |
A weighted multigraph.
WeightedPseudograph<V,E> |
A weighted pseudograph.
WeightedUnmodifiableSet<E> |
Implementation of a weighted, unmodifiable set.
WheelGraphGenerator<V,E> |
WindmillGraphsGenerator<V,E> |
WindmillGraphsGenerator.Mode |
WINDMILL and DUTCHWINDMILL Modes for the Constructor
YenKShortestPath<V,E> |
Implementation of Yen`s algorithm for finding $k$ shortest loopless paths.
YenShortestPathIterator<V,E> |
Iterator over the shortest loopless paths between two vertices in a graph sorted by weight.