JGraphModelAdapter<V,E> jgAdapter
JGraphXAdapter<V,E> jgxAdapter
int type
Object edge
int type
Object vertex
Object vertex
Set<E> jCellsBeingAdded
1. First, we add the desired edge to jCellsBeingAdded to indicate that the edge is being inserted internally. 2. Then we invoke the JGraph 'insert' operation. 3. The JGraph listener will detect the newly inserted edge. 4. It checks if the edge is contained in jCellsBeingAdded. 5. If yes, it just removes it and does nothing else. if no, it knows that the edge was inserted externally and performs the insertion. 6. Lastly, we remove the edge from the jCellsBeingAdded.
Step 6 is not always required but we do it anyway as a safeguard against the rare case where the edge to be added is already contained in the graph and thus NO event will be fired. If 6 is not done, a junk edge will remain in the jCellsBeingAdded set.
The other sets are used in a similar manner to the above. Apparently, All that complication could be eliminated if JGraph and JGraphT had both allowed operations that do not inform listeners...
Set<E> jCellsBeingRemoved
Set<E> jtElementsBeingAdded
Set<E> jtElementsBeingRemoved
JGraphModelAdapter.CellFactory<VV,EE> cellFactory
Map<K,V> cellToEdge
Map<K,V> cellToVertex
org.jgraph.graph.AttributeMap defaultEdgeAttributes
org.jgraph.graph.AttributeMap defaultVertexAttributes
Map<K,V> edgeToCell
Map<K,V> vertexToCell
org.jgrapht.ext.JGraphModelAdapter.ShieldedGraph jtGraph
EdgeFactory<V,E> edgeFactory
Specifics<V,E> specifics
org.jgrapht.graph.IntrusiveEdgesSpecifics<V,E> intrusiveEdgesSpecifics
boolean directed
boolean weighted
boolean allowingMultipleEdges
boolean allowingLoops
boolean directed
boolean undirected
boolean selfLoops
boolean multipleEdges
boolean weighted
boolean allowsCycles
boolean modifiable
List<E> graphListeners
List<E> vertexSetListeners
org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultListenableGraph.FlyweightEdgeEvent<VV,EE> reuseableEdgeEvent
org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultListenableGraph.FlyweightVertexEvent<VV> reuseableVertexEvent
boolean reuseEvents
Comparator<T> topoComparator
DirectedAcyclicGraph.TopoOrderMap<V> topoOrderMap
int maxTopoIndex
int minTopoIndex
DirectedAcyclicGraph.VisitedStrategyFactory visitedStrategyFactory
int start
int finish
boolean[] visited
DirectedAcyclicGraph.Region region
List<E> visited
DirectedAcyclicGraph.Region affectedRegion
BitSet visited
DirectedAcyclicGraph.Region affectedRegion
UndirectedGraph<V,E> undirectedGraph
DirectedGraph<V,E> directedGraph
AbstractBaseGraph<V,E> abstractBaseGraph
Map<K,V> vertexMapDirected
EdgeSetFactory<V,E> edgeSetFactory
AbstractBaseGraph<V,E> abstractBaseGraph
Map<K,V> vertexMapUndirected
EdgeSetFactory<V,E> edgeSetFactory
Object value
AttributeType type
int value
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