Class DOTEventDrivenImporter

    • Field Detail


        public static final String DEFAULT_GRAPH_ID_KEY
        Default key used for the graph ID.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • DOTEventDrivenImporter

        public DOTEventDrivenImporter()
        Constructs a new importer.
      • DOTEventDrivenImporter

        public DOTEventDrivenImporter​(boolean notifyVertexAttributesOutOfOrder,
                                      boolean notifyEdgeAttributesOutOfOrder)
        Constructs a new importer.
        notifyVertexAttributesOutOfOrder - whether to notify for vertex attributes out-of-order even if they appear together in the input
        notifyEdgeAttributesOutOfOrder - whether to notify for edge attributes out-of-order even if they appear together in the input