Class VF2AbstractIsomorphismInspector<V,​E>

    • Field Detail

      • graph1

        protected Graph<V,​E> graph1
      • graph2

        protected Graph<V,​E> graph2
      • vertexComparator

        protected Comparator<V> vertexComparator
      • edgeComparator

        protected Comparator<E> edgeComparator
      • ordering1

        protected org.jgrapht.alg.isomorphism.GraphOrdering<V,​E> ordering1
      • ordering2

        protected org.jgrapht.alg.isomorphism.GraphOrdering<V,​E> ordering2
    • Constructor Detail

      • VF2AbstractIsomorphismInspector

        public VF2AbstractIsomorphismInspector​(Graph<V,​E> graph1,
                                               Graph<V,​E> graph2,
                                               Comparator<V> vertexComparator,
                                               Comparator<E> edgeComparator,
                                               boolean cacheEdges)
        Construct a new base implementation of the VF2 isomorphism inspector.
        graph1 - the first graph
        graph2 - the second graph
        vertexComparator - comparator for semantic equivalence of vertices
        edgeComparator - comparator for semantic equivalence of edges
        cacheEdges - if true, edges get cached for faster access
      • VF2AbstractIsomorphismInspector

        public VF2AbstractIsomorphismInspector​(Graph<V,​E> graph1,
                                               Graph<V,​E> graph2,
                                               Comparator<V> vertexComparator,
                                               Comparator<E> edgeComparator)
        Construct a new base implementation of the VF2 isomorphism inspector.
        graph1 - the first graph
        graph2 - the second graph
        vertexComparator - comparator for semantic equivalence of vertices
        edgeComparator - comparator for semantic equivalence of edges
      • VF2AbstractIsomorphismInspector

        public VF2AbstractIsomorphismInspector​(Graph<V,​E> graph1,
                                               Graph<V,​E> graph2,
                                               boolean cacheEdges)
        Construct a new base implementation of the VF2 isomorphism inspector.
        graph1 - the first graph
        graph2 - the second graph
        cacheEdges - if true, edges get cached for faster access
      • VF2AbstractIsomorphismInspector

        public VF2AbstractIsomorphismInspector​(Graph<V,​E> graph1,
                                               Graph<V,​E> graph2)
        Construct a new base implementation of the VF2 isomorphism inspector.
        graph1 - the first graph
        graph2 - the second graph