Constant Field Values



  • org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.AStarShortestPath<V,​E> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String GRAPH_CONTAINS_A_NEGATIVE_WEIGHT_CYCLE "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SINK_VERTEX "Graph must contain the sink vertex!"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SOURCE_VERTEX "Graph must contain the source vertex!"
  • org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.BaseBidirectionalShortestPathAlgorithm<V,​E> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String GRAPH_CONTAINS_A_NEGATIVE_WEIGHT_CYCLE "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SINK_VERTEX "Graph must contain the sink vertex!"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SOURCE_VERTEX "Graph must contain the source vertex!"
  • org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.BellmanFordShortestPath<V,​E> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String GRAPH_CONTAINS_A_NEGATIVE_WEIGHT_CYCLE "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SINK_VERTEX "Graph must contain the sink vertex!"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SOURCE_VERTEX "Graph must contain the source vertex!"
  • org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.BFSShortestPath<V,​E> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String GRAPH_CONTAINS_A_NEGATIVE_WEIGHT_CYCLE "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SINK_VERTEX "Graph must contain the sink vertex!"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SOURCE_VERTEX "Graph must contain the source vertex!"
  • org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.BidirectionalAStarShortestPath<V,​E> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String GRAPH_CONTAINS_A_NEGATIVE_WEIGHT_CYCLE "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SINK_VERTEX "Graph must contain the sink vertex!"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SOURCE_VERTEX "Graph must contain the source vertex!"
  • org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.BidirectionalDijkstraShortestPath<V,​E> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String GRAPH_CONTAINS_A_NEGATIVE_WEIGHT_CYCLE "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SINK_VERTEX "Graph must contain the sink vertex!"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SOURCE_VERTEX "Graph must contain the source vertex!"
  • org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.ContractionHierarchyBidirectionalDijkstra<V,​E> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String GRAPH_CONTAINS_A_NEGATIVE_WEIGHT_CYCLE "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SINK_VERTEX "Graph must contain the sink vertex!"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SOURCE_VERTEX "Graph must contain the source vertex!"
  • org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.DeltaSteppingShortestPath<V,​E> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String GRAPH_CONTAINS_A_NEGATIVE_WEIGHT_CYCLE "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SINK_VERTEX "Graph must contain the sink vertex!"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SOURCE_VERTEX "Graph must contain the source vertex!"
  • org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.DijkstraShortestPath<V,​E> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String GRAPH_CONTAINS_A_NEGATIVE_WEIGHT_CYCLE "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SINK_VERTEX "Graph must contain the sink vertex!"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SOURCE_VERTEX "Graph must contain the source vertex!"
  • org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.FloydWarshallShortestPaths<V,​E> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String GRAPH_CONTAINS_A_NEGATIVE_WEIGHT_CYCLE "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SINK_VERTEX "Graph must contain the sink vertex!"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SOURCE_VERTEX "Graph must contain the source vertex!"
  • org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.IntVertexDijkstraShortestPath<E> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String GRAPH_CONTAINS_A_NEGATIVE_WEIGHT_CYCLE "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SINK_VERTEX "Graph must contain the sink vertex!"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SOURCE_VERTEX "Graph must contain the source vertex!"
  • org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.JohnsonShortestPaths<V,​E> 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String GRAPH_CONTAINS_A_NEGATIVE_WEIGHT_CYCLE "Graph contains a negative-weight cycle"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SINK_VERTEX "Graph must contain the sink vertex!"
    protected static final String GRAPH_MUST_CONTAIN_THE_SOURCE_VERTEX "Graph must contain the source vertex!"