Package | Description |
org.jgrapht | |
org.jgrapht.alg |
Algorithms provided with JGraphT.
org.jgrapht.alg.cycle |
Algorithms for enumeration of simple cycles in graphs.
org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces |
Algorithm related interfaces.
org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath |
Shortest-path related algorithms.
org.jgrapht.experimental.dag |
Experimental package with directed acyclic graphs.
org.jgrapht.graph |
Implementations of various graphs.
org.jgrapht.graph.builder |
Various builder for graphs.
org.jgrapht.traverse |
Graph traversal means.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <V,E> void |
Graphs.addGraphReversed(DirectedGraph<? super V,? super E> destination,
DirectedGraph<V,E> source)
Adds all the vertices and all the edges of the specified source digraph to the specified
destination digraph, reversing all of the edges.
static <V,E> void |
Graphs.addGraphReversed(DirectedGraph<? super V,? super E> destination,
DirectedGraph<V,E> source)
Adds all the vertices and all the edges of the specified source digraph to the specified
destination digraph, reversing all of the edges.
static <V,E> void |
Graphs.addIncomingEdges(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph,
V target,
Iterable<V> sources)
Add edges from multiple source vertices to one target vertex.
static <V,E> void |
Graphs.addOutgoingEdges(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph,
V source,
Iterable<V> targets)
Add edges from one source vertex to multiple target vertices.
static <V,E> boolean |
GraphTests.isStronglyConnected(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Test whether a directed graph is strongly connected.
static <V,E> boolean |
GraphTests.isWeaklyConnected(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Test whether a directed graph is weakly connected.
static <V,E> List<V> |
Graphs.predecessorListOf(DirectedGraph<V,E> g,
V vertex)
Returns a list of vertices that are the direct predecessors of a specified vertex.
static <V,E> boolean |
Graphs.removeVertexAndPreserveConnectivity(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph,
Iterable<V> vertices)
Removes all the given vertices from the given graph.
static <V,E> boolean |
Graphs.removeVertexAndPreserveConnectivity(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph,
V vertex)
Removes the given vertex from the given graph.
static <V,E> boolean |
Graphs.removeVerticesAndPreserveConnectivity(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph,
java.util.function.Predicate<V> predicate)
Filters vertices from the given graph and subsequently removes them.
static <V,E> List<V> |
Graphs.successorListOf(DirectedGraph<V,E> g,
V vertex)
Returns a list of vertices that are the direct successors of a specified vertex.
static <V,E> boolean |
Graphs.vertexHasPredecessors(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph,
V vertex)
Check if a vertex has any direct predecessors.
static <V,E> boolean |
Graphs.vertexHasSuccessors(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph,
V vertex)
Check if a vertex has any direct successors.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DirectedGraph<V,E> |
Returns the graph inspected
DirectedGraph<V,E> |
Returns the graph inspected by the StrongConnectivityAlgorithm.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<V,E> void |
TransitiveReduction.reduce(DirectedGraph<V,E> directedGraph)
This method will remove all transitive edges from the graph passed as input parameter.
Constructor and Description |
AllDirectedPaths(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Create a new instance
ConnectivityInspector(DirectedGraph<V,E> g)
Creates a connectivity inspector for the specified directed graph.
CycleDetector(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Creates a cycle detector for the specified graph.
DirectedNeighborIndex(DirectedGraph<V,E> g)
Creates a neighbor index for the specified directed graph.
GabowStrongConnectivityInspector(DirectedGraph<V,E> directedGraph)
The constructor of GabowStrongConnectivityInspector class.
KosarajuStrongConnectivityInspector(DirectedGraph<V,E> directedGraph)
The constructor of the StrongConnectivityAlgorithm class.
NaiveLcaFinder(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Create a new instance of the native LCA finder.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DirectedGraph<V,E> |
Returns the graph on which the simple cycle search algorithm is executed by this object.
DirectedGraph<V,E> |
Returns the graph on which the simple cycle search algorithm is executed by this object.
DirectedGraph<V,E> |
Returns the graph on which the simple cycle search algorithm is executed by this object.
DirectedGraph<V,E> |
Returns the graph on which the simple cycle search algorithm is executed by this object.
DirectedGraph<V,E> |
Returns the graph on which the simple cycle search algorithm is executed by this object.
DirectedGraph<V,E> |
Returns the graph on which the simple cycle search algorithm is executed by this object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SzwarcfiterLauerSimpleCycles.setGraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Sets the graph on which the simple cycle search algorithm is executed by this object.
void |
HawickJamesSimpleCycles.setGraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Sets the graph on which the simple cycle search algorithm is executed by this object.
void |
TarjanSimpleCycles.setGraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Sets the graph on which the simple cycle search algorithm is executed by this object.
void |
JohnsonSimpleCycles.setGraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Sets the graph on which the simple cycle search algorithm is executed by this object.
void |
DirectedSimpleCycles.setGraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Sets the graph on which the simple cycle search algorithm is executed by this object.
void |
TiernanSimpleCycles.setGraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Sets the graph on which the simple cycle search algorithm is executed by this object.
Constructor and Description |
HawickJamesSimpleCycles(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Create a simple cycle finder for the specified graph.
JohnsonSimpleCycles(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Create a simple cycle finder for the specified graph.
SzwarcfiterLauerSimpleCycles(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Create a simple cycle finder for the specified graph.
TarjanSimpleCycles(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Create a simple cycle finder for the specified graph.
TiernanSimpleCycles(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Create a simple cycle finder for the specified graph.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DirectedGraph<V,E> |
Returns the graph inspected by the StrongConnectivityAlgorithm.
Constructor and Description |
AllDirectedPaths(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
Create a new instance
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DirectedAcyclicGraph implements a DAG that can be modified (vertices & edges added and
removed), is guaranteed to remain acyclic, and provides fast topological order iteration.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
An unweighted view of the backing weighted graph specified in the constructor.
class |
A weighted view of the backing graph specified in the constructor.
class |
A directed graph.
class |
A directed weighted graph.
class |
A union of directed graphs.
class |
A directed graph that is a
MaskSubgraph of another graph. |
class |
A directed multigraph.
class |
A directed pseudograph.
class |
A directed graph that is a subgraph of another graph.
class |
A directed weighted multigraph.
class |
A directed weighted pseudograph.
class |
A directed weighted graph that is a subgraph of another graph.
class |
Provides an edge-reversed view g' of a directed graph g.
class |
A directed graph which is also
ListenableGraph . |
class |
A directed weighted graph which is also
ListenableGraph . |
class |
Read-only union of an undirected and a directed graph.
class |
A simple directed graph.
class |
A simple directed weighted graph.
class |
A directed graph that cannot be modified.
Constructor and Description |
AsUndirectedGraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> g)
Constructor for AsUndirectedGraph.
AsUnweightedDirectedGraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> g)
Constructor for AsUnweightedGraph.
AsWeightedDirectedGraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> g,
Map<E,Double> weightMap)
Constructor for AsWeightedGraph.
DirectedGraphUnion(DirectedGraph<V,E> g1,
DirectedGraph<V,E> g2)
Construct a new directed graph union.
DirectedGraphUnion(DirectedGraph<V,E> g1,
DirectedGraph<V,E> g2)
Construct a new directed graph union.
DirectedGraphUnion(DirectedGraph<V,E> g1,
DirectedGraph<V,E> g2,
WeightCombiner operator)
Construct a new directed graph union.
DirectedGraphUnion(DirectedGraph<V,E> g1,
DirectedGraph<V,E> g2,
WeightCombiner operator)
Construct a new directed graph union.
DirectedMaskSubgraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> base,
MaskFunctor<V,E> mask)
in favor of using lambdas
DirectedMaskSubgraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> base,
java.util.function.Predicate<V> vertexMask,
java.util.function.Predicate<E> edgeMask)
Create a new directed
MaskSubgraph of another graph. |
DirectedSubgraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> base)
Creates a new directed induced subgraph with all vertices included.
DirectedSubgraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> base,
Set<? extends V> vertexSubset)
Creates a new directed induced subgraph.
DirectedSubgraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> base,
Set<? extends V> vertexSubset,
Set<? extends E> edgeSubset)
Creates a new directed subgraph.
EdgeReversedGraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> g)
Creates a new EdgeReversedGraph.
ListenableDirectedGraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> base)
Creates a new listenable directed graph.
MixedGraphUnion(UndirectedGraph<V,E> g1,
DirectedGraph<V,E> g2)
Construct a new graph union.
MixedGraphUnion(UndirectedGraph<V,E> g1,
DirectedGraph<V,E> g2,
WeightCombiner operator)
Construct a new graph union.
UnmodifiableDirectedGraph(DirectedGraph<V,E> g)
Creates a new unmodifiable directed graph based on the specified backing graph.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DirectedGraphBuilder<V,E,G extends DirectedGraph<V,E>>
A builder class for
Graph . |
class |
DirectedGraphBuilderBase<V,E,G extends DirectedGraph<V,E>,B extends DirectedGraphBuilderBase<V,E,G,B>>
Base class for
DirectedGraphBuilder for extending. |
class |
DirectedWeightedGraphBuilder<V,E,G extends DirectedGraph<V,E> & WeightedGraph<V,E>>
A builder class for directed weighted graphs}.
class |
DirectedWeightedGraphBuilderBase<V,E,G extends DirectedGraph<V,E> & WeightedGraph<V,E>,B extends DirectedWeightedGraphBuilderBase<V,E,G,B>>
Base class for
DirectedWeightedGraphBuilder for extending. |
Constructor and Description |
TopologicalOrderIterator(DirectedGraph<V,E> dg)
Creates a new topological order iterator over the directed graph specified, with arbitrary
tie-breaking in case of partial order.
TopologicalOrderIterator(DirectedGraph<V,E> dg,
Queue<V> queue)
Creates a new topological order iterator over the directed graph specified, with a
user-supplied queue implementation to allow customized control over tie-breaking in case of
partial order.
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