< Vertex and Edge Types | JGraphT
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Vertex and Edge Types

When constructing a JGraphT graph, it’s important to select the vertex and edge types carefully in order to ensure correct behavior while satisfying application requirements. This page walks through a number of variations based on common application use cases:

  1. equals and hashCode
  2. Anonymous Vertices
  3. Vertices as Key Values
  4. Vertices with Attributes
    1. No keys
    2. All keys
    3. Key subset
  5. Vertices as Pointers
  6. Anonymous Edges
  7. Weighted Edges
  8. Edges as Key Values
  9. Edges with Attributes
  10. Vertices and Edges as External Objects
  11. Labeled Edges in a Multigraph

equals and hashCode

Vertex and edge objects are used as keys inside of the default graph implementation, so when choosing their types, you must follow these rules:

This article explains some of the nuances.

Additional guidelines are provided in the scenario-specific sections below.

Anonymous Vertices

Applications interested only in graph structure (e.g. graph theory research) may want to save memory by keeping vertices as minimalist as possible. In this case, just use java.lang.Object as the vertex type. In this case, the vertex hashCode may serve as a “nearly” unique identifier during debugging.

Vertices as Key Values

More common is for each vertex to represent a key value, as in the HelloJGraphT example (where each vertex corresponds to a website identified by a URL). For this use case, a String, Integer, or similar class is a good choice for vertex type. In this case, it’s important to note that the value must be unique within the graph. In other words, for a vertex of type String, the String value is an identifier, not a mere label.

Vertices with Attributes

More sophisticated applications may need to associate non-key attributes (possibly multiple) with each vertex. The obvious way to do this is with a class that stores the attributes, but there are a few different cases to consider.

No keys

If all attributes on the vertex are non-key, then the approach is straightforward. For example, suppose you are modeling molecular structures, where the vertices are atoms and the edges are the bonds between them. Then you might define a class

class AtomVertex
    Element element;  // using enum of the periodic table
    int formalCharge; // for bookkeeping purposes
    ... other atomic properties ...

In this case, you should not override equals and hashCode, since there may be many distinct atoms with the exact same properties.

All keys

Conversely, if all attributes are components of a key, then the approach is also simple. Suppose your application is a software package manager, and each vertex in your graph corresponds to a package, with edges representing package dependencies. Then you might define a class like

class SoftwarePackageVertex
    final String orgName;
    final String packageName;
    final String packageVersion;
    ... constructor etc ...
    public String toString()
        return orgName + "-" + packageName + "-" + packageVersion;
    public int hashCode()
        return toString().hashCode();
    public boolean equals(Object o)
        return (o instanceof SoftwarePackageVertex) && (toString().equals(o.toString()));

Here, you almost certainly do want to override equals and hashCode, since there should not be more than one vertex object representing the same package version. And you’ll be able to access an existing vertex in a graph just by constructing it, without having to iterate over all vertices in the graph to find it.

Note that the fields are declared final; this is important since vertices and edges are used as hash keys, meaning their hash codes must never change after construction.

Key subset

Now we come to the problematic case. Continuing the previous example, suppose you want to add a releaseDate field to SoftwarePackageVertex in order to track when the package version was released. This new field is not part of the key; it’s just data. But what do we do about equals/hashCode?

So if you try to implement this case, beware that you’re likely to run into unforeseen pitfalls.

Vertices as Pointers

A more flexible way to handle the situation above is to make the vertex refer to an external object rather than containing data itself. For the example above, the vertex type could be SoftwarePackageVertex as originally defined, without the release date. Then additional information such as the release date would be stored via a separate SoftwarePackageVersion class, with a map keyed on SoftwarePackageVertex for lookups. This keeps the graph representation clear, but adds some lookup cost.

An optimization is to implement the vertex as a direct reference:

class SoftwarePackageVertex
    final SoftwarePackageVersion version;
    public String toString()
        return version.keyString();
    public int hashCode()
        return toString().hashCode();
    public boolean equals(Object o)
        return (o instanceof SoftwarePackageVertex) && (toString().equals(o.toString()));

class SoftwarePackageVersion
    final String orgName;
    final String packageName;
    final String packageVersion;
    Date releaseDate;
    public String keyString()
        return orgName + "-" + packageName + "-" + packageVersion;

This way, we can construct a vertex from a package version at any time, and given a vertex, we can directly access package version information without any map lookup required. The application is still responsible for avoiding inconsistencies due to the existence of multiple SoftwarePackageVersion objects with the same key, but now that responsibility is separate from the graph representation.

Anonymous Edges

Now let’s move on to edge types. The most common case is that there is no information associated with an edge other than its connectivity. Generally, you can use the DefaultEdge class provided by JGraphT for this and not think about it any further. However, there is one point you should be aware of:

As a result, if you need to add the same edge object to two different graphs, then those graphs must have the same vertex connections for that edge, otherwise undefined behavior will result. If this (rare) case applies to your application, then instead of using DefaultEdge, just use java.lang.Object as your edge type. Note that this adds a map lookup penalty to connectivity accessor methods.

It’s common in JGraphT for edge objects to be reused across graphs; for example, an algorithm may return a subgraph of the input graph as its result, and the subgraph will reuse subsets of the input graph’s vertex and edge sets. In these cases, the connectivity equivalence is valid (or if it’s not, the algorithm avoids reuse).

Weighted Edges

Another common case is for each edge to bear a double-valued weight as its only attribute (e.g. a physical network with latency measured for each link). For this case, JGraphT supplies the DefaultWeightedEdge class, which extends the optimization mentioned in the previous section by storing the weight directly on the edge object.

The same caveats apply, with the additional restriction that if a DefaultWeightedEdge is reused in another graph, it will have the same weight in both graphs. Again, if this presents a problem, then use java.lang.Object as your edge class instead.

Edges as Key Values

Sometimes, applications may be able to associate a unique key value with each edge. For example, consider a graph representing money transfers between bank accounts, where the vertices represent the accounts and the edges represent the transfers. In this case, the application could use a String containing the transfer transaction ID as the edge type.

However, it would definitely be incorrect to use the transaction amount as the edge type, since this is not unique across the entire graph. (A weighted edge could instead be used for this purpose.)

Edges with Attributes

For edges with multiple attributes or non-key attributes, the same considerations as those given previously for vertices apply. In addition, when defining a class which will be used as an edge type, applications will typically want to subclass either DefaultEdge or DefaultWeightedEdge (subject to the caveats already mentioned). Those base classes do not override equals/hashCode, but applications are free to do so in subclasses as appropriate.

Note that when overriding equals/hashCode for an edge class, it is incorrect to incorporate the edge source/target into the operations; the edge identity is always independent of its connectivity.

For an example of how to apply a String attribute as a non-key label on each edge, see the LabeledEdges demo. JGraphT does not provide a labeled edge class since there are many different ways to implement this pattern.

Vertices and Edges as External Objects

In some cases, an application may want to use existing complex objects as vertex and/or edge types directly. For example, consider an application in which the graph is used in a manager thread to optimize concurrent dataflow, with each vertex representing a worker thread and each edge representing a dataflow producer/consumer queue. In this case, it would be OK to use java.lang.Thread for the vertex type and LinkedBlockingDeque for the edge type (since these classes do no override equals/hashCode).

However, if the queue implementation were such that it allowed two queue instances to be compared for value-equality via equals, then this would not be a good choice for edge type. In this case, it would be necessary to wrap the queue in a custom edge class which references it, similar to what was described for vertices above.

Labeled Edges in a Multigraph

This is one case for which JGraphT does not currently support a 100% efficient implementation. Suppose we want to represent a finite state machine using a pseudograph (allowing both self-loops and multiple edges between vertices). Vertices will represent states, and edges will represent transitions. For the vertex type, we might choose String, but for the edge type, we can’t use String since transition names are not unique across the entire graph; they are only unique within the subset of edges between a given pair of vertices.

Instead, we can use a labeled edge class as described above. However, suppose we want to find an existing edge given a pair of vertices and a transition name. This requires invoking getAllEdges for the vertex pair and then searching through the result, filtering by transition name. If many transitions are defined, this may become slow.

It would be nice if there were a faster solution for this problem, especially since the graph’s edge set already provides an index into all edges in the graph. There are kludgy ways to accomplish a constant time lookup, but we don’t recommend them, so we won’t go into them here.