public class GmlEventDrivenImporter
extends BaseEventDrivenImporter<Integer,Triple<Integer,Integer,Double>>
implements EventDrivenImporter<Integer,Triple<Integer,Integer,Double>>
Imports a graph from a GML file (Graph Modeling Language).
For a description of the format see
Below is small example of a graph in GML format.
graph [ node [ id 1 ] node [ id 2 label "Node 2 has an optional label" ] node [ id 3 ] edge [ source 1 target 2 weight 2.0 label "Edge between 1 and 2" ] edge [ source 2 target 3 weight 3.0 label "Edge between 2 and 3" ] ]
If the input file contains edge weights then the importer also reads edge weights. The importer also supports reading additional string attributes such as label or custom user attributes. String attributes are unescaped as if they are Java strings.
The parser completely ignores elements from the input that are not related to vertices or edges of the graph. Moreover, complicated nested structures are simply returned as a whole. For example, in the following graph
graph [ node [ id 1 ] node [ id 2 ] edge [ source 1 target 2 points [ x 1.0 y 2.0 ] ] ]the points attribute of the edge is returned as a string containing "[ x 1.0 y 2.0 ]".
- Author:
- Dimitrios Michail
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.jgrapht.nio.BaseEventDrivenImporter
addEdgeAttributeConsumer, addEdgeConsumer, addEdgeCountConsumer, addEdgeWithAttributesConsumer, addGraphAttributeConsumer, addImportEventConsumer, addVertexAttributeConsumer, addVertexConsumer, addVertexCountConsumer, addVertexWithAttributesConsumer, notifyEdge, notifyEdgeAttribute, notifyEdgeCount, notifyEdgeWithAttributes, notifyGraphAttribute, notifyImportEvent, notifyVertex, notifyVertexAttribute, notifyVertexCount, notifyVertexWithAttributes, removeEdgeAttributeConsumer, removeEdgeConsumer, removeEdgeCountConsumer, removeEdgeWithAttributesConsumer, removeGraphAttributeConsumer, removeImportEventConsumer, removeVertexAttributeConsumer, removeVertexConsumer, removeVertexCountConsumer, removeVertexWithAttributesConsumer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.jgrapht.nio.EventDrivenImporter
addEdgeAttributeConsumer, addEdgeConsumer, addEdgeCountConsumer, addEdgeWithAttributesConsumer, addGraphAttributeConsumer, addImportEventConsumer, addVertexAttributeConsumer, addVertexConsumer, addVertexCountConsumer, addVertexWithAttributesConsumer, importInput, importInput, removeEdgeAttributeConsumer, removeEdgeConsumer, removeEdgeCountConsumer, removeEdgeWithAttributesConsumer, removeGraphAttributeConsumer, removeImportEventConsumer, removeVertexAttributeConsumer, removeVertexConsumer, removeVertexCountConsumer, removeVertexWithAttributesConsumer
Constructor Details
public GmlEventDrivenImporter()Constructs a new importer.
Method Details
Description copied from interface:EventDrivenImporter
Import a graph- Specified by:
in interfaceEventDrivenImporter<Integer,
Triple<Integer, Integer, Double>> - Parameters:
- the input reader- Throws:
- in case any error occurs, such as I/O or parse error