Module org.jgrapht.core
Package org.jgrapht.alg.flow
Flow related algorithms.
Class Summary Class Description DinicMFImpl<V,E> Implementation of <a href = "">Dinic algorithm</a> with scaling for <a href = ""maximum"maximum flow problem</a>.EdmondsKarpMFImpl<V,E> This class computes a maximum flow in a flow network using Edmonds-Karp algorithm.GusfieldEquivalentFlowTree<V,E> This class computes an Equivalent Flow Tree (EFT) using the algorithm proposed by Dan Gusfield.GusfieldGomoryHuCutTree<V,E> This class computes a Gomory-Hu tree (GHT) using the algorithm proposed by Dan Gusfield.MaximumFlowAlgorithmBase<V,E> Base class backing algorithms allowing to derive maximum-flow from the supplied flow networkPadbergRaoOddMinimumCutset<V,E> Implementation of the algorithm by Padberg and Rao to compute Odd Minimum Cut-Sets.PushRelabelMFImpl<V,E> Push-relabel maximum flow algorithm designed by Andrew V.